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Arbury Fine Arts Buiding - rear entrance to the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum.tif
Mrs. Dorothy (Honey) Arbury studied with Fredericks when she attended Kingswood School at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in the 1930s. She met him through her uncle, Alden B. Dow, a prominent architect in Midland,…

Arbury Fine Arts Center and the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum - rear entrance.tif
Mrs. Dorothy (Honey) Arbury studied with Fredericks when she attended Kingswood School at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in the 1930s. She met him through her uncle, Alden B. Dow, a prominent architect in Midland,…

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Architect James Hughes consulting with Marshall Fredericks regarding the "Cleveland War Memorial: Fountain of Eternal Life".

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Plaster small scale architectual model for the "Cleveland War Memorial: Fountain of Eternal Life".

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This fountain celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and mystery of the…

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Architectural site model of the "Cleveland War Memorial: Fountain of Eternal Life".

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The Fountain, also known as the "Cleveland War Memorial", is composed of a large granite basin set with bronze plaques containing the names of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Located within the basin are four granite carvings…

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The areas were covered with black deposits that could not be removed by the walnut shells. These were the deposits that were insoluble in (laboratory tests) a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid. The patina that remains will be removed because it is…

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The plaster mold for "Juggler” – one of the “Clowns” in Marshall Fredericks’ greenhouse studio.

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One of Fredericks' last public works, "Star Dream Fountain" is located in Barbara Hallman Plaza in Royal Oak, Michigan. The sculpture is based on a 1947 preliminary design for the "Cleveland War Memorial". This allegorical work symbolizes man's…
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