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c. 1950s, Original drawing: charcoal on paper, 24 5/16 x 18 13/16 inches

c. 1950s, Original drawing: charcoal on paper, 14 1/8 x 22 3/8 inches

c. 1950s, Original drawing: charcoal on paper, 16 1/2 x 11 inches

c. 1950s, Original drawing: charcoal on paper, 17 7/8 x 11 15/16 inches

Item #275.jpg
Located in Belle Isle's Rose Garden, the sculpture stands sixteen feet tall atop a granite pedestal. A wheeling bronze gazelle is the focal point of the fountain and the four smaller figures on the granite basin depict a hawk, grouse, rabbit and…

Item #296.jpg
Plaster model for "William Beaumont, M.D." relief. Copper-patinated bronze versions of this work are in the collections of the Mackinac Island Museum, Mackinac Island, Michigan, and William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan.

Item #408a.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model for "The Boy and Bear" for Northland Shopping Center in Southfield, Michigan. Designed by Victor Gruen, Northland is one of the world's first shopping centers.

Item #409.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "The Boy and Bear" for Northland Shopping Center in Southfield, Michigan. Designed by Victor Gruen, Northland is one of the world's first shopping centers.

Item #410.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "The Boy and Bear" for Northland Shopping Center in Southfield, Michigan. Designed by Victor Gruen, Northland is one of the world's first shopping centers.

Item #411.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "The Boy and Bear" for Northland Shopping Center in Southfield, Michigan. Designed by Victor Gruen, Northland is one of the world's first shopping centers.
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