The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front of a white marble wall at the entrance…
In 2017, the city of Detroit closed Woodward Avenue between Jefferson Avenue and Larned Street to create a 20,000 square foot “civic square†in front of The Spirit of Detroit. This walkable public space, currently in pilot stage, is intended to…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…
“The Expanding Universe Fountain†celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and…