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The Ford Empire relief was located in the Ford Auditorium constructed on the Detroit riverfront as the new home of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra during 1955-1956. Perhaps the most notable feature of the building's interior was the expansive,…

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Plaster model for "Birth of the Atomic Age" in Marshall Fredericks' Royal Oak, Michigan studio. The completed sculpture stands at the National Exchange Club in Toledo, Ohio.

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Plaster model for "Birth of the Atomic Age" in Marshall Fredericks' Royal Oak, Michigan studio. The completed sculpture stands at the National Exchange Club in Toledo, Ohio.

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Fredericks created the thirty-inch tall The Saints and Sinners in 1939 while at Cranbrook.

These seven figures are in the style of jamb statues found in the portals of Gothic cathedrals. Attached to columns, sculptors lengthened these figures…

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Plaster molds for "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" in Marshall Fredericks' Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio. A bronze casting of this work is in the children's garden, Community House, Birmingham, Michigan.

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The Ford Empire relief was located in the Ford Auditorium constructed on the Detroit riverfront as the new home of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra during 1955-1956. Perhaps the most notable feature of the building's interior was the expansive,…

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The Ford Empire relief was located in the Ford Auditorium constructed on the Detroit riverfront as the new home of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra during 1955-1956. Perhaps the most notable feature of the building's interior was the expansive,…

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Alex Dow was a Scottish-born US engineer. Dow was the plant's first manager and electrical engineer for the city of Detroit.

Dow was appointed water commissioner for the city of Detroit in 1916-1921 and again in 1925-1932. In 1932, he was made the…

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The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front of a white marble wall at the entrance…

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Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young presents Mayor Nishiyama of Toyota City, Japan, with a model of "The Spirit of Detroit," which is intended for permanent display in Detroit's sister city.
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