Browse Items (6400 total)

Item #124.jpg
Plasteline and plaster models for "Reptile" - one of the four sculptures in "Animal Kingdoms". Enlarged from 1939 sketches.

Item #125.jpg
"Ape Fantasy" in unidentified location.

Item #126.jpg
"Ape Fantasy" in unidentified location.

Item #127.jpg
"Ape Fantasy" in unidentified location.

Item #128.jpg
"Ape Fantasy" in unidentified location.

Item #129a.jpg
"Ape Fantasy" in unidentified location.

Item #130.jpg
Adult baboon with baby baboon. Geometric in design. Plaster painted white.

Item #131.jpg
Armature for full-scale sculpture "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee" in Marshall Fredericks' Bloomfield Hills, Michigan studio.

Item #132.jpg
Plaster "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee". Bronze casting of this work is in the children's garden at the Community House in Birmingham, Michigan.

Item #133.jpg
Plaster "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee". Bronze casting of this work is in the children's garden at the Community House in Birmingham, Michigan.
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