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Frontside view of small-scale Leaping Gazelle.tif
In 1936, Marshall Fredericks entered a national competition to design a memorial honoring Levi L. Barbour for Belle Isle, an island park in Detroit, Michigan. Barbour, a prominent lawyer who had been instrumental in the purchase of the island as a…

Frontside view of small-scale plaster model for Two Sisters (Mother and Child).jpg
Two Sisters Fountain is located in a courtyard of Kingswood School at Cranbrook Educational Community, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Inspired by the helpful attitude of the girls at Kingswood, Fredericks cast the full-scale plaster original before…

Item #997.jpg
The Fountain, also known as the "Cleveland War Memorial", is composed of a large granite basin set with bronze plaques containing the names of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Located within the basin are four granite carvings…

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The idea to create a memorial honoring Henry Ford took root in 1948 when the Dearborn, Michigan Chamber of Commerce conducted a poll of Dearborn residents and learned that most of the populace favored such a proposal. The Dearborn Chamber of Commerce…

Frontside view of the John F. Kennedy Memorial.jpg
The John F. Kennedy Macomb Memorial Committee commissioned Fredericks to design this sculpture for the County Building in Mount Clemens, Michigan.

Placed near the site where Kennedy delivered one of his first campaign speeches while running for…

Frontside view of the armature for the female figure for Star Dream Fountain with the plaster model in the background.tif
One of Fredericks' last public works, "Star Dream Fountain" is located in Barbara Hallman Plaza in Royal Oak, Michigan. The sculpture is based on a 1947 preliminary design for the "Cleveland War Memorial". This allegorical work symbolizes man's…

Frontside view of the bronze central figures for Star Dream Fountain from below at Tallix foundry.jpg
One of Fredericks' last public works, "Star Dream Fountain" is located in Barbara Hallman Plaza in Royal Oak, Michigan. The sculpture is based on a 1947 preliminary design for the "Cleveland War Memorial". This allegorical work symbolizes man's…

Item #1371.jpg
This fountain celebrates the nation's first exploration of outer space. According to Fredericks, the sculpture "represents this age of great interest, exploration and discovery in outer space...[and] the immensity, order and mystery of the…

Item #1936.jpg
“I did … a dragon; I called it The Friendly Dragon. The architect said he didn't think he would use it because he said the children would be frightened of a dragon. But children love dragons and it's not an ugly dragon, it's a friendly dragon…

Frontside view of the full-scale plasteline model for Two Bears.jpg
In this sculpture, a large brown and small black bear sit back to back in quiet thought. Although in nature these two animals are enemies, Fredericks portrays the two in a gentle humanistic way, stressing tolerance.

Notice the differences in the…
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