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Item #7882.jpg
"Christ and the Children" located at St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Six foot aluminum relief originally commissioned for St. John's Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Item #7859.jpg
Originally created to support the Tower of the Four Winds, Black Elk Neihardt Park, Blair, Nebraska. The Peace Pipe points from the Heart of Man to the Heart of God. Black Elk prays through tears, "Oh, make my people live."

Item #155.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" with shims attached in preparation for creating plaster mold.

Item #154.jpg
Full-scale model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" covered in plaster with shims dividing it into sections for the creation of a plaster mold.

Full-scale models of Christ on the Cross and Leaping Gazelle from the Levi L. Barbour Memorial Fountain in the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum.tif
Mrs. Dorothy (Honey) Arbury studied with Fredericks when she attended Kingswood School at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in the 1930s. She met him through her uncle, Alden B. Dow, a prominent architect in Midland,…

Item #160.jpg
Plasteline "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee" and plaster "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" in Marshall Fredericks' Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio.

Item #1152.jpg
The plasteline and plaster models for "Juggler” and plaster model for "Lovesick Clown (Pagliacci)" – two of the “Clowns” in Marshall Fredericks’ greenhouse studio.

Item #354.jpg
Plasteline model for “Black Elk” in Fredericks’ Royal Oak, Michigan studio. Originally created to support the Tower of the Four Winds, Black Elk Neihardt Park, Blair, Nebraska. The Peace Pipe points from the Heart of Man to the Heart of God.…

Item #156.jpg
Full-scale plasteline of "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee" in Marshall M. Fredericks Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio.

Item #1133.jpg
Plasteline model for "Acrobat" – one of the “Clowns”.
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