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Conté crayon on blueline print
9.5" x 15.5"

One of six limestone reliefs for the Ohio Union Building, Ohio State University, Columbus.

The Ohio Union reliefs won an Honorable Mention in Sculpture from the Architectural League of New York in…

Graphite on tracing paper
7" x 10.25"

Sketch for one of six limestone reliefs at the Ohio Union Building, Ohio State University, Columbus.

The Ohio Union reliefs won an Honorable Mention in Sculpture from the Architectural League of New York…

Graphite on paper
5" x 8"

Sketch for Cross at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Farmington, Michigan.

Ink on paper
8.5" x 11"

Sketch for Cross at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Farmington, Michigan.

Graphite on tracing paper
12" x 10.25"

Sketch for Cross at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Farmington, Michigan.

Conté crayon on photostat
5" x 6.5"

Photostatic copy of sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.

Graphite on tracing paper mounted on board
7.5" x 11"

Sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.

6" x 8.75"

Photostatic copy of sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.

Graphite on paper mounted on board
6" x 11"

Photostatic copy of sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.

Conté crayon and graphite on photostat
6.75" x 9.25"

Photostatic copy of sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.
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