Browse Items (6400 total)

Graphite and ink on restaurant menu
4.5" x 7"

Sketch for large fountain, never enlarged to full-scale. Small-scale bronze located at Starr Commonwealth in Albion, Michigan.

Colored pencil, graphite and ink on lined notebook paper
4" x 6"

Small notebook with sketches for various projects, including "Torso of a Dancer" and "Cleveland War Memorial: Fountain of Eternal Life".

Ink on paper
5" x 5.25"

Unidentified sketch of hand holding orb, possibly unrealized.

Graphite on paper
5" x 8"

Graphite on card stock
3.25" x 5.5"

Sketch of hawk, possibly for "Levi L. Barbour Memorial Fountain" on Belle Isle.

Graphite on paper
5" x 8.5"

Fredericks created the thirty-inch tall The Saints and Sinners in 1939 while at Cranbrook.

These seven figures are in the style of jamb statues found in the portals of Gothic cathedrals. Attached to columns,…

Graphite and ink on steno pad paper
6" x 9"

Sketches for "The Friendly Frog" and "The Friendly Dragon".

Also includes sketches of whales and playground equipment.

Graphite on tracing paper
9" x 5"

Sketch for unidentified buffalo medal. Possibly unrealized.

Graphite on tracing paper
4.25" x 4.75"

Sketch of Ayershire cow for unidentified project. Possibly unrealized.

Drawing also contains small figure sketch, possibly for "Saints and Sinners"

Graphite on card stock
3.25" x 5.5"

Unidentified sketch of bases, possibly for "Baboon Fountain (Board of Directors Fountain)" for the 1939 New York World's Fair.
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