Shellacked, darkened sheep relief. 3 medium sheep on top, 1 medium sheep to right middle, 2 small sheep on bottom right corner, and 1 large sheep at left bottom.
The compact, monolithic form of the Siberian Ram contrasts with the more open composition of the Leaping Gazelle (#16), although both have spherical contours and strong curvilinear design elements. Both are evocative. Some viewers perceive them as…
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks
Fredericks first made Siberian Ram in 1941, but the first documented bronze cast was not installed until 1966, when a 24-inch tall sculpture was placed in…
The compact, monolithic form of the Siberian Ram contrasts with the more open composition of the Leaping Gazelle (#16), although both have spherical contours and strong curvilinear design elements. Both are evocative. Some viewers perceive them as…