Tags: Ann Arbor Eagle, Mold, Plaster, Plaster Mold, Rubber, Rubber Mold, Wing Mold
Tags: Ann Arbor Eagle, Mold, Plaster, Plaster Mold
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Baboon, Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee, Chimpanzee, Model, Plaster, Plaster Model
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Model, Plaster, Plaster Model, Ram, Siberian Ram
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Chimpanzee, Model, Plaster, Plaster Model, The Thinker, Thinker
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Hawk, Leaping Gazelle, Model, Plaster, Plaster Model
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Leaping Gazelle, Model, Plaster, Plaster Model, Rabbit
atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2