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Black rubber mold with wax core of Juggler Clown pom pom.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and wax core. There is a lot of red wax residue on the surface. Mold is bound with plastic zip ties.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and wax core. Written on mold is "Fredericks Ram".

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and wax core. Written on mold is "Marshall Fredericks Thinker". Mold is bound with plastic zip ties.

Plaster mother mold, black rubber mold wax lining. Written on mold is "Lovesick Clown". Mold is bound with plastic zip ties.

Small black rubber two piece mold with red wax model of bird inside mold. This bird is for the Guardian Angel sculpture.

Bronze corpus of Christ on wood cross. This is a 1/4 scale model for the Cross in the Woods. The patina is brown. From Grace Church in Grosse Pointe.

Small mold with black rubber inner mold and brown wax core. Two piece plaster and two piece wax mold. Held together with plastic zip tie.

Small flat wooden figures of a mother and child, painted blue. [Accession number on tag says 2002.009 but there was another overlapping number so this was changed to 2002.012]

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Artist - John S. Coppin 1904 - 1986

John S. Coppin was the son of Thomas and Maude L (Leveed) Coppin of Mitchell, Ontario. He was born 13 Dept 1904, Mitchell, Ontario and died aged 81, 1750 Bun Franklin Drive, Sarasota, he died on June 26th 1986…
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