Browse Items (1886 total)

Plaster, sheet metal and metal wire maquette for the Indian and Wild Swans. The plaster has been painted a copper color and is mounted on a stained wood board. There is also a smaller maquette on the same board of the Indian with all four swans.

Wing mold section for Indian and Wild Swans. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Included with the wing mold are the mold rims.

Three piece mold for for a proper left wing. There are 2 thin rims along the edges of the wing. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. The mold is deep. Mold is held together with a bracket and bolts.

Marshall Fredericks designed these in hopes of getting a commission to be placed on a building out west. These are the only sketch models in the scale on one inch to one foot. They were intended to be about ten feet high.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. The mold is deep. Mold is held together with a bracket and bolts.

Marshall Fredericks designed these in hopes of getting a commission to be placed on a building out west. These are the only sketch models in the scale on one inch to one foot. They were intended to be about ten feet high.

Plaster original painted silver

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

These four reliefs on either side of the Christ figure were designed for the Ohio bureau of Employment Services and…

Bronze portrait relief of Jack Ryder. Text on the relief is "Jakc McBride Ryder 1974 President 1989 Saginaw Valley State Universisty".

Two mold ends tied together with "Jack Ryder" written on one of the mold ends.
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