Browse Items (1958 total)

Small green painted plaster model of the Sun Worshipper.

"The mysterious Sun Worshipper, originally designed in 1937, was enlarged and cast to Full-Scale in 1994. Fredericks treated this enigmatic, contemporary figure a classical manner but the…

Plaster model of two clowns back to back , off center joined at shoulder. They appear to be singing. This is the model for Clown Musicians.

Plaster small-scale nude male figure standing on a fluted base. He is missing the metal atom-like object that he holds above his head. His pose is elongated as if reaching upward.

Originally installed in 1959, is conserved and rededicated at…

Plaster portrait of Henry and a young Edsel Ford. They stand together with Henry's left arm around Edsel and Henry's right arm pointed straight ahead. The boy has his hands in his pocket.

[Back Image] Plaster front of head (relief) of Roman Centaur, pointed ears, curly facial hair, mustache goes around upper lip then straight down both sides of mouth in curls. Eyes are hallowed out, hair on nose, two broken horns on top of head. …

Plaster male figure painted white with arms raised above head. This is the same figure used for the original Cleveland War Memorial proposal.

Nude male figure lifting a barbell with a ball-like weight on each end. He has lifted the barbell to his chest and stands legs spread as if he is about to move the barbell over his head. The plaster has been painted with a gloss white paint.

Plaster head of baboon on a plaster base.

Plaster model of a seated baboon chewing on a plant. He holds the plant in his proper right hand. His knees are apart. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Plaster model of a seated baboon with hands resting on knees looking toward the left. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.
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