Browse Items (1958 total)

Seated male on a "moon like" planet. He has outstretched arms and is looking upward. In his hands are "Saturn" shaped small planets. He has a bit of black discoloring on the head, body and left arm.

The "Saturn" planet object is missing from…

Proposal for Fabulous Fish Fountain. This model is made of various materials under a Plexiglas cover. Several fish mounted to a blue Plexiglas bottom with silver colored spray jets to represent the water. There is a tall pole in the center with more…

Plaster model of Christ. This is about 1/8th scale. Arms are not attached. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Model for Flying Wild Geese fountain. Model is made of clay, wire and wood under a Plexiglas case. The model os painted green.

Plaster model for Spirit of Detroit. This model is a rough sketch model with a plaster family and no deity.

Cotton Pickers plaque. White plaster. This appears to be a small detail section of the original.

Plaque of Cotton Pickers. The plaster has been painted a dark greenish-brown color.

Plaster portrait bust of Joan Raseman with no base. Signed "Fredericks" on back of neck.

White painted female figure with child on her shoulders. Plaster cast is probably based on one of Mr. Fredericks' early wood carvings.

Two petraglyph like figures adorn this relief. They appear to be drinking from a communal pot. The two figures are seated and there are two star-like objects, one in the sky above the figures heads, and one at the bottom below the figures feet.
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