Browse Items (1958 total)

Plaster model for Philadelphia Competition. Marked in pencil is a number "4". Triangular shaped with ornate carving.

Plaster model for Philadelphia Competition. Marked in pencil is a number "3". Triangular shaped with ornate carving.

Plaster model for Philadelphia Competition. Marked in pencil is a number "2". Triangular shaped with ornate carving.

Plaster model for Philadelphia Competition. Marked in pencil is a number "1". Triangular shaped with ornate carving.

Plaster section for Indian and Wild Swan where the body connects to the neck. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

This small section if from the wing where it attaches to the body of the swan. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Indian and Wild Swan back section mold. This section is from the base of neck to the tail without the wings. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

This section is of the top of the tail. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Three piece mold for for a proper left wing. There are 2 thin rims along the edges of the wing. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Wing mold section for Indian and Wild Swans. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Included with the wing mold are the mold rims.
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