Three piece plaster mould, inner surface shellacked, outside reinforced with iron rod and burlap. "Swan Head" written in red on mold. The mold is held together with plastic zip ties.
Swan neck section for Indian and Wild Swan. The mold is in two halves bound together with wire. "Swan Neck" is written on red on the outside of the mold.
Two piece plaster exterior, rubber interior mold, plaster core. "Girls Head, Bad Mold" written on mold. Figure is unknown unless we open the mold. Mold is bound together with plastic zip ties.
Plaster mold that has the seal of the state of Michigan as well as a relief mold of a steer and a large set of scales. Yellowish color is from shellac used to seal the plaster.
The three reliefs are unrelated to one another and it is not knows why…