Browse Items (1958 total)

Plaster relief mold for Flying Wild Geese. There is a series of bumps where the mold rims connect. A note attached to this says that the mold ends are with the Herbert Pedersen relief mold.

Portrait mold of Walker Lee Cisler plaster Plaster and sisal, and galvanized pipe. The plaster is stained a yellowish color from the shellac used to seal the plaster. Text on the plaster is "Walker Lee Cisler Citizen of the World".

Mr. Cisler…

Plaster relief model of a man and woman in a Model S car. Two young children run along side, animals including chickens, a dog, pigs and birds can be seen. Exhaust from the car is also seen.

Fredericks carved the original limestone relief of…

Horseless Carriage (Model 'S' Ford, Children and Animals, Sunday Afternoon)
Plaster "mother" mold, black rubber mold, plaster model. Written on mold is "Ford
Model S".

Fredericks carved the original limestone relief of this sculpture that was…

Plaster mold for large scale Brookgreen Gardens relief with mold rims attached. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. "Brookgreen Gardens" and "Gazelle" written on mold. Mold rims are held on with string.

Plaster portrait relief of Peter Austin Whyte surrounded by 14 five pointed stars.

Annual Convention, Detroit, Michigan, 1962

Annual Convention, Detroit, Michigan, 1962
Plaster, iron rods

Now headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the American Numismatic Association was established in 1891 in Chicago. Their…

Plaster relief mold. Relief mold depicts the Spirit of Detroit sculpture with the words "Annual Convention Detroit, Michigan 1962"

Plaster blank with pencil drawing of Peter Austin Whyte. The yellowish color is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Round plaster blanks used for creating reliefs.
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