Browse Items (1958 total)

Plaster portait blank of John M. Dorsey. The outline of the figure is still visible. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Text on the plaster is "John M. Dorsey MD 1900-1978 Wayne State University 1946-1978".

Blank for Dexter Ferry. There is a pencil drawing on the blank of him. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Blank for Walker Lee Cisler. Outline of portrait can still be seen on blank as well as lettering. Also there is a pencil drawing of Cisler on the blank. The plaster is stained a yellowish color from the shellac used to seal the plaster. Text on…

Blank for GM Cancer Research. There is an outline in pencil of a profile portrait. The blank is round with a pointed protrusion at the top. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Round plaster relief mold for Alfred Sloan. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Portrait relief mold for William John Stapleton. Round mold. Inscribed on the bottom of the relief is "William John Stapleton Jr. MD."

Small plaster model of Friendly Dragon on wood board.

Plaster mold for feather. Written on mold is "feather for Indian". Yellowish color is shellac applied to seal the plaster.

Plaster feather in 2 halves. This is very fragile and thin plaster.

Plaster plaque with text, angels and hands of God. Text reads "In loving memory of Philip Smead Bird D.D.L.L.D. The lighting in this sanctuary is perpetually dedicated 1953. The light of his memory shines unto the perfect day."

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