In 1978, the retired chairperson of General Motors Corporation, Roger Smith, conceived the idea for the GM Cancer Research Prize. This annual award recognizes, on an international basis, scientists who…
A plaster relief of 3 different animals with their young. 2 horses, 3 sheep and 2 pigs. There has been some repair to one of the sheep which is evedent by the white plaster.
Herbert E. Pedersen MD was a well-known Detroit physician. He was associated with the Detroit Medical Center. Both Hutzel Hospital and the Children's Medical Center have a memorial lectureship in his…
Plaster relief of Veterans Memorial Building Eagle. There are a lot of pencil marks on this. All around the eagle is pencil markings and there are words at the top. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.
A series of Abraham Lincoln medallions in plaster, and a rubber mold. Three of the plaster medallions have no text. The rubber mold and the positive made from it have the words "Abraham Lincoln" on them.