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Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Alden Dow was born in Midland, Michigan on April 10, 1904, to Herbert Henry and Grace A. (Ball) Dow. From his father, who founded The Dow…

Portrait relief mold for Alden Dow. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Inscribed on the bottom of the mold is "Humanitarian, Citizen Benefactor".

Plaster portrait of Alex Dow (1862-1942) was president of Detroit Edison for 28 years. He was also a Senator from Michigan. (more information can be found in the archives under "Series II Project Files, Alex Dow Memorial")

Alexander Blain, Senior, and Alexander Blain, M.D., are the subjects of the next relief. Dr. Blain started the Alexander Blain Hospital in Detroit. He was the first in forming the hospital in this area. Fredericks did this as a memorial. It was…

Portrait plaster blank for the Blain's. This blank has a detailed drawing of both Alexander Sr. and Alexander Jr. There is a detailed drawing of the logo for medicine on the lower left and another detailed drawing on the lower right. Outlines of…

Small rubber mold for Blain relief. Mold is quite dirty and seems to be suffering from dry rot.

Two men appear in relief on this sculpture. The younger, in the front, and the elder in the rear. Both are looking to the right. The younger man has a full head of hair while the older Alexander Blain man has a goatee and a bald head. Inscribed…

There is a mark in pencil on the front of this relief that says "DRYING". This cast has a circle of excess plaster surrounding the rectangular portrait.
Two men appear in relief on this sculpture. The younger, in the front, and the elder in the…

Portrait of Alexander Hamilton holding a document in his proper left hand. Dressed in typical 18th century fashion.

"Alexander Hamilton" written on mold. Plaster exterior is tan in color. Two piece plaster, two piece rubber interior, plaster core. A plastic zip tie holds the mold halves together.
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